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Foundations of Materials Theory

This Special Collection provides theory-centric, topical reviews for the materials science community. Each contribution is by invitation-only, with the subject and author(s) selected by the JMS: Materials Theory editorial board. This Special Collection will serve as an ever-expanding foundation for the materials science community.

Upcoming contributions to the collection:

Theory of grain boundary phases, Timofrey Frolov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Helium in metals, Norman Bartelt, Sandia National Laboratories 

Opening date: 1/1/25

Closing date: None

Submission instructions

Authors must read and follow the submission guidelines for JMS: Materials Theory available here prior to submitting to the journal. During the submission process, they should select the name of the collection from the dropdown menu.

Article-processing charge and funding

Springer Nature has numerous agreements around the world to help authors fund the article-processing charge (APC) in JMS: Materials Theory. Please visit our institutional agreements page for more information.

If you are not covered by any of the above, please visit our funding support page as you may have access to funds via your institution.For authors that do not have any access to funds, Springer Nature will consider requests for waivers on a case-by-case basis for cases of financial need. For more information, see here (under "Article-processing charges").

Springer Nature offers APC waivers to papers whose corresponding authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income economies (for the current list, see here).